
Do you shop at Hannaford? Here is an easy way to support the HSPA without spending additional money. You pre-pay for groceries, and Hannaford gives us back 5% of all spending. Last year dozens of families raised more than $4,000 for the HSPA.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. You pay any amount up to $500 each month (or any month you’d like to participate).

  2. We then transfer that money to your Hannaford Gift Card (provided to you when you sign up).

  3. You use your gift card when you shop at Hannaford.

To sign up:
Please complete the online form to the right (for the initial month only) and then send a check made payable to HSPA ( can also be dropped off at CEHS office)

We are happy to collect several checks in advance for continued monthly participation. Simply write all your checks at once, dated with the due date, and we will keep them on file to use throughout the year.

Maximum Card Balance is $500
If you are already participating in the program, please check your card balances to make sure they can accommodate your new payment (maximum card balance is $500).

Questions or more info:

Please email capehspa@gmail.com